High school students are welcome in many middle school enrichment classes. For example, high school students may work at their own level in classes such as Art Exploration or Painting. Please reach out to the individual teacher to determine if the elective/enrichment class is a good fit for your high school student.
High School Literature Study
Grades 9-12
$190 per semester (one voucher)
This interactive class is completely literature-based and fun! We read, discuss, and analyze engaging, high school level novels, so the class is not appropriate younger middle school students. Each week the students will read and annotate focusing on various aspects of the novel including mood, theme, characters, conflict, literary devices, and personal connections. There is homework students complete to prepare them for discussion, increase their critical thinking skills, and satisfy state curriculum requirements. All books will be provided and are included in the class tuition. This semester we will be studying two novels and various other short stories consistent with A-G curriculum requirements.
Teacher: Mary Frederick
email: 2mrsfrederick@gmail.com
phone/text: 916.990.3494
website: writeon4kids.com
High School Write On!
Grades 9-12
$195 per semester (one voucher)
This class will work in combination with the High School Literature Study class and will focus on writing projects, essays, and responses centered around the novels studied. This semester, students will complete an argument/research essay along with other short answer responses, essays, and projects. This class is aligned with A-G requirements.
Teacher: Mary Frederick
email: 2mrsfrederick@gmail.com
phone/text: 916.990.3494
website: writeon4kids.com
Algebra and Formulas
Grades 6-12
$185 per semester (1 voucher)
The Fall 2022 semester of Algebra and Formulas is great for new and returning students! There will be new topics for returning students, and new students will fit right in because this year’s topics are not connected to the previous semester. New students are welcome and returning students will be exposed to new material!
This semester we will focus on word problems relating to real world applications for formulas relating to Algebra, Geometry and Trigonometry! Students will learn the correct steps on how to approach word problems. They will be given all the tips and tricks!
They’ll learn how to identify their known values, unknown values, as well as how to pull out all the necessary information. Students will be exposed to new formulas, such as the quadratic formula, the formula for volume for 3D shapes and many more! All these topics will be taught using fun online activities and interactive. This will insure that students are having fun while learning!
Teacher: Joe Vargas
email: YourFirstChoiceTutoring@gmail.com
phone/text: 916.805.7333
website: www.firstchoicetutoring.com
Statistics and Graphing
Grades 6-12
$185 per semester (1 voucher)
This class will focus on teaching all the fundamentals associated with Statistics, Graphing and Probability. Students will learn how to read and interpret graphs that they themselves create. These graphs will include line graphs, pie charts, box and whisker plots, bar graphs, and everything will be taught in an interactive manner.
Students will also learn about calculating probabilities by using hands on activities such as using coins, dice and playing cards. This class is meant to show students powerful fundamentals that they’ll be able to apply as they get older. And best of all they’ll learn while having fun!
Teacher: Joe Vargas
email: YourFirstChoiceTutoring@gmail.com
phone/text: 916.805.7333
website: www.firstchoicetutoring.com
Bible and Its Influence
Grades 6-12
$180 per semester
The Bible has been and is one of the most influential books ever published. It is a sacred text to Jews and Christians, and it has the respect of Muslims and other members of world religions. The Bible’s influence is seen in literature, art, music, culture, public policy, and public debate. In this class, the Bible will be studied academically, not devotionally, to learn about the stories and history of text as culturally used by groups from musicians to politicians. This class is entirely secular and while students will study about religion as presented in the Bible, students will not be engaged in the practice of religion and will not be asked to accept religion. The class is designed to give students an opportunity to see how Biblical knowledge can be a key to better understanding other subjects - especially literature, art, music, and the social sciences.
Teacher: Laurie Chiappe
email: MrsChiappe@gmail.com
phone/text: 408-472-6155
website: historyrockswithmrschiappe.com
Civics: Analyzing Current Events
Grades 6-12
$180 per semester
Analyzing current events helps middle and high school students better understand the world around them. Through Socratic class discussion, students will learn to critically think about the facts and history behind the headlines while gaining understanding of the importance of people, events, and issues in the news. Today’s students need an understanding of the world’s economy, politics, social structures, and environment in order to become active, informed citizens. At the same time, consuming news with a critical eye is vital to enhancing democracy. Special attention will be paid to credibility of sources, bias, and discerning fact from fiction.
Teacher: Laurie Chiappe
email: MrsChiappe@gmail.com
phone/text: 408-472-6155
website: historyrockswithmrschiappe.com
Mock Trial
Grades 6-12
$180 per semester
Mock trials have proven to be an effective learning tool for students of all grade levels. It helps them understand the law, practice critical thinking, and gain greater confidence with public speaking by assuming the roles of attorneys and witnesses in a fictional criminal or civil trial. Students experience first-hand the difficulties that judges, lawyers and juries face in determining which facts are relevant and what legal arguments are effective. This class is taught by Mrs. Chiappe, a former practicing California Attorney.
Teacher: Laurie Chiappe
email: MrsChiappe@gmail.com
phone/text: 408-472-6155
website: historyrockswithmrschiappe.com
Young Entrepreneurs
Grades 6-12
$190 per semester
Young Entrepreneurs enables students to learn first-hand about the risks and rewards of operating a small business. Students examine the definition of entrepreneurship and small business, while receiving an overview of the past and present small business environment. Students will explore considerations involved with turning an idea into a business: identifying a passion or hobby that can provide a product or service, researching the market, and weighing the risks of starting a small business. Lastly, students study the nuts and bolts of starting a business: writing a business plan, obtaining funding, and learning about the agencies businesses interact with to become a legitimate entity.
Teacher: Laurie Chiappe
email: MrsChiappe@gmail.com
phone/text: 408-472-6155
website: historyrockswithmrschiappe.com
Vocal Performance
Grades 4-12
$185 per semester
A place to fine tune voice and style. We will work in small groups and as a class on pieces throughout the semester covering different genres of music including Broadway, country, jazz and more. Students will choose a solo piece to perfect during the semester. Singing takes more than a pair of vocal chords. We will learn about how to create better sound through posture and support. We will develop the skill of how to sing harmony with two, three or more parts. We also cover basic music reading and the elements of having a top notch performance on stage in a group or solo!
Teacher: Rachel Wattson
email: rachelwattsonfit@gmail.com
phone: 760-716-2793
Advanced Digital Photography
Grades 6-12
$190 per semester
Take your skills to the next level! We will focus on all your camera has to offer by shooting in manual mode! Post editing is key to bring out the details of your photos and your artistic flare! First semester Elements of Photography is recommended. DSLR cameras or cameras with a manual function will help get the most out of this class. Computers are required. Editing software will be provided.
Teacher: Rachel Wattson
email: rachelwattsonfit@gmail.com
phone: 760-716-2793
Python Coding
Grades 5-12
$250 per semester (one voucher)
Python coding - students learn coding by building programs using Python, which is a beginner-friendly programming language. All learning is self-paced, guided by our project-based curriculum: https://www.mrcodeswildride.com/python
Students go through our curriculum at their own pace with individualized instructor guidance. Class sizes are typically 5-6 students, with a maximum of 10 students, so every student receives adequate individualized help from the instructor. Laptops provided for in-class use.
Teacher: David Keller
email: kellerdb@gmail.com
phone/text:(916) 439-0991
website: www.mrcodeswildride.com
Web Coding
Grades 5-12
$250 per semester (one voucher)
Web coding - - students learn coding by building web apps and games using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. All learning is self-paced, guided by our project-based curriculum: https://www.mrcodeswildride.com/curriculum
Students go through our curriculum at their own pace with individualized instructor guidance. Class sizes are typically 5-6 students, with a maximum of 10 students, so every student receives adequate individualized help from the instructor. Laptops provided for in-class use.
Teacher: David Keller
email: kellerdb@gmail.com
phone/text:(916) 439-0991
website: www.mrcodeswildride.com
Grades 6-12
$180 per semester
In this course students gain useful, real world skills in time management, marketing, teamwork, and design principles. Collaboratively, the students will produce a creative, innovative yearbook recording Foothill Learning Academy memories and events. Students learn page design, publishing techniques, copywriting, editing and photography. A laptop computer is required for this class.
Teacher: Laurie Chiappe
email: MrsChiappe@gmail.com
phone/text: 408-472-6155
website: historyrockswithmrschiappe.com